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Intergroup Safeguarding Policy

This policy applies to the safeguarding of all people attending SAA UK Intergroup events or using Intergroup services.

The Intergroup recognises that all individuals have a right to protection from all types of harm or abuse.

SAA UK Intergroup services and events are for adults only.

This policy is based on six Principles of Safeguarding:

  1. Empowerment: Allowing individuals choice and control over decisions made affecting them. People using Intergroup services are supported and encouraged to make their own decisions based on the principle of informed consent.
  2. Prevention: Intergroup services and events are led by trusted servants, to ensure that they are a safe space for all. All are encouraged to take action before harm occurs, to speak out at any time they suspect their or others' safety may be challenged.
  3. Proportionality: A proportionate and least intrusive response is taken to any issue presented. The trusted servants of the Intergroup should determine the least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented. Should any Intergroup trusted servant believe they are being abused or knows/suspects that another member is being abused they should consider taking the following action(s), as appropriate:
    • intervene personally
    • report concerns to the safeguarding servant or trusted servant
    • call the police if there is imminent and significant threat to safety or life
  4. Protection: SAA is a fellowship of mutual support. This guidance applies to the safeguarding of all using Intergroup services or attending events. They are encouraged to listen to others, identify with them and provide support though the shared experience strength & hope encountered in recovery.
  5. Partnership: The Intergroup acknowledges that many resources may complement the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of SAA
  6. Accountability: The Intergroup acknowledges that safeguarding is everyone's business and that accountability ensures that everyone plays their part when it comes to safeguarding vulnerable people. Everyone is accountable for their actions as an individual.

If there is any doubt about whether a situation amounts to abuse, attendees should ask the advice of a member of the safeguarding committee.

Although anonymity is a core tradition on which the programme depends, people should be aware that some people may decide after careful thought to report certain disclosures to the authorities.

Policy review and availability

This policy will be reviewed annually by the SAA UK Intergroup safeguarding committee, or sooner should there be a change in legislation, but remaining in force whilst under review or if no annual review is undertaken.

This policy should be made available to those attending Intergroup events or using other Intergroup services.

version v4 passed by intergroup on Saturday 14 October 2023
Last updated: October 19th, 2024