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  • Meetings

    London New Cross Gate - Hybrid Meeting

    You can join this meeting in person

    The Parish of St James, Hatcham - THE CHURCH is located on the right-hand side at the end of St James's (road). THE MEETING is through the red door on the left of the church building - next to a big black gate. THE SAA LOGO is beside the entrance.
    Meeting ID: 443 415 499

    In order to protect the meeting's anonymity, we ask that you contact the meeting via the group's email address for the Zoom meeting password.

    Join meeting by phone

    If you are dialling in, please call 0330 088 5830 then type in the Meeting ID 443-415-499 #, then type in the Meeting Password ending in #

    Meeting details

    When: Saturday
    Time: 10:00 am to 11:30 am
    How: In person, Online, Telephone
    Type: Mixed
    How to join:

    Welcome to the London New Cross Gate - Hybrid meeting.

    You can join this meeting - In Person / Zoom / Phone.

    You MUST be over 18 to attend this meeting.

    If you want to attend in person, just show up at the start time or come a few minutes before for a cup of tea and a chat.

    We are a welcoming bunch who understand the problem and have found a solution to our addiction through the 12 steps and 12 traditions of SAA.

    Anyone who has the desire to stop addictive sexual behaviours is more than welcome to attend.

    Contact: Tony
    Alternative contact: 07783 334243
    Matthew D