Camberley Thursday Night In Person Meeting
Camberley Thursday In-Person
You can join this meeting in person
Meeting details
When: ThursdayPlease message us via email or text to make initial contact.
Our In Person meeting runs from 1930 to 2100 every Thursday at Camberley High Cross Church, 1 Knoll Road, Camberley, GU15 3SY.
Access: From the A30 drive to the end of Knoll Road and turn left at the mini roundabout on to Portesbury Road, then take 1st left in to the church car park. Use 2nd left in to church overflow car park if it’s full. From the car park the meeting room is accessed directly from the outside via a garden gate to the left of the main church entrance.
Doors are typically open from 1900, when fellows start to arrive and there’s coffee, tea and biscuits from 1915 for fellowship before the meeting start at 1930.
It is everyone's aim to make you feel comfortable. We have all been in your shoes at some time. We are a men only, closed meeting, open to all sex addicts, or those who think they have a problem with sex addiction.