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  • Constitution of intergroup

    5 September 2015

    intergroup Constitution

    1 Name
    1.1 The name of the committee previously known as ‘the London S.A.A. Intergroup’ shall be ‘the UK Intergroup of SAA’ (hereinafter called ‘the Intergroup’).
    2 Objects and Powers
    2.1 The Intergroup shall be a service committee directly responsible to its registered groups to help them carry the message of the Twelve Steps of SAA to the sex addict who still suffers.
    2.2 The Intergroup may only do things that are necessary to fulfil this responsibility and are consistent with the Twelve Traditions of SAA.
    3 Registered Groups
    3.1 Only groups that meet at least monthly to follow the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of SAA may be registered with the Intergroup.
    3.2 Groups accepted for registration shall be based in the UK, including electronic meetings.
    4 Group representatives
    4.1 Each registered group may send any number of representatives to Intergroup meetings.
    4.2 The Intergroup shall exclude a group representative from meetings only if the representative prevents the Intergroup functioning effectively.
    5 Officers
    5.1 Officers with the following responsibilities shall be elected from among group representatives in March each year:
    5.1.1 A chair responsible for the efficient conduct of meetings
    5.1.2 A secretary responsible for notice and minutes of meetings
    5.1.3 A treasurer responsible for the efficient conduct and reporting of finance
    5.2 Officers shall not serve in the same position for a third consecutive year.
    5.3 The Intergroup shall dismiss an officer only if the officer prevents the Intergroup from functioning effectively.
    5.4 If an officer resigns or is dismissed or is otherwise unable to perform their office then the Intergroup shall appoint an acting officer from among group representatives.
    6 Meetings
    6.1 The Intergroup shall meet for normal business four times a year but may hold exceptional meetings if circumstances dictate.
    6.2 Meetings shall be distributed to share fairly the burden of travel by meeting representatives.
    6.3 Notice of each meeting shall be dispatched in writing to each registered group at least seven days before the meeting.
    6.4 Notice of any of the following business shall be dispatched in writing to each registered group at least twenty-one days before it is decided:
    6.4.1 To accept or cancel registration of a group;
    6.4.2 To elect an officer;
    6.4.3 To dismiss an officer or exclude a group representative;
    6.4.4 To schedule or ratify an amendment to this constitution;

    6.4.5 To schedule or ratify dissolution of the Intergroup;
    6.4.6 To move a scheduled Intergroup meeting more than sixty miles.
    6.5 A meeting shall be quorate only if a majority of those registered groups that have acknowledged notice of that meeting have sent a representative.
    6.6 Meetings shall follow Roberts Rules of Order except where this conflicts with other bylaws.
    7 Voting
    7.1 Decisions shall be by consensus whenever possible rather than majority vote.
    7.2 When electing officers any group representative may vote. For all other business only one representative per group may vote.
    7.3 The Chair may enter a casting vote but no other person shall have more than one vote.
    7.4 Any of the following business shall require a two-thirds majority of those present and voting: 7.4.1 To dismiss an officer or exclude a group representative;
    7.4.2 To schedule or ratify an amendment to this constitution;
    7.4.3 To schedule or ratify dissolution of the Intergroup.
    7.5 All other business shall be decided by a simple majority of those present and voting.
    8 Finance
    8.1 The Intergroup may employ group representatives to perform tasks for which it might otherwise have to employ others.
    8.2 The Intergroup may receive donations only from registered groups.
    9 Amendments
    9.1 The Intergroup may ratify an amendment to this constitution only if the precise wording was scheduled for ratification on that date by a meeting at least twenty-one days beforehand.
    10 Dissolution
    10.1 The Intergroup may ratify its dissolution only if it was scheduled for ratification on that date by a meeting at least twenty-one days beforehand.
    10.2 On ratification of dissolution the Intergroup shall use available assets to meet any debts and donate any remaining assets wherever possible to an institution or institutions having similar objects.

    Last updated: April 22nd, 2023