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  • September 2023 Newsletter

    Please find bellow a summary of items that have appeared on the SAA website

    New Meetings

    The following New meetings have started (Click on the name for more details)

    Peterborough Monday In Person

    Upcoming Recovery Days

    Here are the next Recovery Days live on the website. Click on the link for more information:

    Bristol Recovery Day is an in-person event and will take place on Saturday September 30th from 10:00 until 15:00 at Totterdown Baptist Church, Bristol, BS4 2AX

    Leeds Recovery Day is an in person meeting and will take place on Saturday October 28th 10:00-15:30 in the Heart Centre Headingly

    Edinburgh Recovery Day is an in person event and will take place on Sat 27 Jan 2024 at midday

    London Recovery Day & AGM is an in-person event and will take place on Saturday 2nd March 2024 at Bloomsbury Baptist Church, London WC2H 8EP, Bristol, BS4 2AX

    Other Events

    Intergroup Autumn Meeting October 14th 2023 : Invitations are invited for the Intergroup Chair.

    Intergroup Winter Meeting January 13th 2024

    GSR Communications

    There have been communications to the GSR’s concerning the next Intergroup meeting & the forthcoming recovery days as listed above.

    Please check to ensure that your meetings details are still correct

    Useful Information

    Service login - Sex Addicts Anonymous SAA (

    The Group Service Rep GSR or meetings servant is the voice that connects meetings to intergroup and vice versa.

    intergroup publishes the agenda for quarterly meetings 3-weeks in advance to give each meeting time to discuss intergroup business and come to their group conscious about how to contribute and to vote.

    intergroup is a Tradition 9 - a committee to those we serve. We publish listings on this website, sell literature and provide resources and help for meetings to carry the message. 

    The material presented here is not intended to represent the views of the SAA Fellowship

    Last updated: September 18th 2023

    Last updated: September 23rd, 2023