Edinburgh Wednesday In Person Meeting
Edinburgh Wednesday
You can join this meeting in person
Conference Room (Mezzanine Floor) St Catharine's Convent of Mercy
Meeting details
When: WednesdayTime: 6:45 pm to 8:00 pm
How: In person
Type: Closed, Mixed
How to join:
Tea and coffee available from 6.00pm. Meeting starts at 6.45.
If this is your first SAA meeting, please phone or email to have a chat with one of us beforehand. If you are not able to do this, then just turn up - ideally a few minutes early, to get acquainted.
Enter through the black pedestrian gate in the wall and ring the doorbell. There is another 12-step meeting taking place at about the same time so let them know that you are there for the SAA Recovery meeting or just ask for the upstairs Conference Room. It is up the stairs at the first level.
Contact: Phone: Alan
07545 795954
[email protected]
Alternative contact: Email: Anthony & Colin
Note that there are 3 other in person meetings in Edinburgh - Monday, Thursday and Saturday.